Revell 1/720 Panzerschiff Admiral Graf Spee Building Diary 4 - Finish & Review

This is the 3rd week since I started building the Graf Spee
Let's have it finished today!
First will be repainting the Main Battery with water proof canvas
 And then adding detail parts
The catapult fighter of Graf Spee
Tried my best on the camouflage
I am not sure if the decals are too old, the effect are not quiet good on them
Decal of flag are actually provided
but they are not sticky anymore as they are too old
and they have no Nazi symbol
so I decided to print my own flag
and make the stand black

 It has finally come to an end!

The Revell Graf Spee is quiet a old kit, there are quiet a number of problem when assembling
But I tried my best to finish it

The out look is very nice, except that I mentions about the lack of details on the torpedo tubes before
the parts are divided nicely which its convenient to paint

I have done quiet a lot of new try on the Graf Spee
first is the DIT water proof canvas, this is the first time I do it
I think I do have the outlook there, but still there are room for improvement

Then is the painting part
This is the first time I try to paint camouflage in ship
Seems the effect of brush is not quiet good, i would try to spray next time
also, there are several number of grey used on the Graf Spee
I meant to give it a sense of multi-level
turn out the difference of grey are too large, which makes it look weired!

So, that's all about the Graf Spee
hope to see you again on my next work!


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